torsdag 3. mars 2011

Some Days I Soar...

This Monday I started on Hal Higdon's Marathon Training Guide . Frankly, it's scaring the shit out of me. Especially since I have now (only) completed three of seven days in the first week. Monday was easy. It was a day of resting, easy-peasy. Come on, I thought, give me a challenge. The challenge came Tuesday.

Week 1 - Tuesday

Run 3 miles, it said. Since I'm used to the metric system, I looked forward to an easy distance. I used to run 3 km a year ago, ever so slowly running my way up to 5 km. I was so proud of myself back in the days. Then I got a boyfriend, and we both fell into the trap. We've been more or less couch potatoes since last April. As it dawned on me that 3 miles is actually 4.8 km (give or take a few meter), I got a little less enthusiastic.

5 km - 32.56 min.

I know, it's still not fast. But I really, REALLY don't want any injuries. I took the time to strech 20 minutes afterwards. I know it's probably only a placebo effect, but Wednesday came without any soreness or stiffness, and I give the credit to the stretching.

Week 1 - Wednesday

Started out fresh and fine. Tuesday, my legs felt awesome. Wednesday, not so much. But I remembered some of Susan's posts about lacking motivation and don't feeling like running, and I kicked my own butt and went to my favourite basement to get some miles under my belt.

5 km - 31 (?) min.

I think that is correct. I run with my Polar RS200, but this time I had a few stops (drinking water, blowing my nose, dropping my iPhone on the floor), and I only stopped the treadmill. The time isn't really what matters. What does matter is that I run the miles Hal Higdon tells me to run. But at least I ran 1-2 min faster than Tuesday. There's nothing like some dragons and ikrans to make me soar...

That's correct, I listened to film scores. How to Train Your Dragon, and Avatar. Feels silly, but I get some kind of a runner's high after 20 minutes, and I can prolong and intensify it by blasting my favourite songs into my (poor) ears. Speaking of music, I really need some tips on what music to listen to. I'm hopefully in for some long runs in the future, so I need some new upbeat music.
I love bragging about my beautiful dog, so here's a picture. It's also showing the reason I run inside for the moment. SNOW. And ice. And cold. Can't wait for spring to come.

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